martedì 12 gennaio 2010

Faster and More Efficient Software for the US Air Force.

Source: ScienceDaily
ScienceDaily (Jan. 12, 2010) — Researchers at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln have addressed the issue of faulty software by developing an algorithm and open source tool that is 300 times faster at generating tests and also reduces current software testing time.
The new algorithm has potential to increase the efficiency of the software testing process across systems.
The project, funded in part by an Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Award and through a National Science Foundation Early CAREER Award, is of particular interest to the military because of the potential to reduce errors in theater. This technology will also be helpful to the private sector where some agencies are reporting financial losses of up to 50 billion dollars per year because of poor software.
"Software failures have the potential to cause financial, environmental or bodily harm," said lead researcher, Dr. Myra Cohen. "Our techniques will help to improve the quality of software in the military to help ensure that those systems behave properly in the field."
"The ultimate goal of research like this is not just to reduce software testing costs, but to do so while maintaining or even increasing confidence in the tests themselves," said AFOSR Program Manager, Dr. David Luginbuhl who is overseeing Cohen's work.
"Although algorithms exist that can produce samples for testing, few can handle dependencies between features well. Either they run slowly or they select very large test schedules, which means that testing takes too long," said Cohen.
Her project, called "Just Enough Testing" aims to re-use test results across different systems that share similar sets of features so the time to test a single system is reduced.
Large and complex families of software systems are common, and within them, groups of interacting features may cause faults to occur. The scientists have examined ways to ensure that faults are found earlier and more often in these types of systems.
"In the long term, we expect that as software product lines are used to produce large numbers of systems, and as they mature over time, we will be able to deploy new systems faster and with less likelihood of failure," she said.
Story Source:
Adapted from materials provided by
Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

'Wet' Computing Systems to Boost Processing Power.

Source: ScienceDaily
ScienceDaily (Jan. 12, 2010) — A new kind of information processing technology inspired by chemical processes in living systems is being developed by researchers at the University of Southampton.
Dr Maurits de Planque and Dr Klaus-Peter Zauner at the University's School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) are working on a project which has just received €1.8 from the European Union's Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Proactive Initiatives, which recognises ground-breaking work which has already demonstrated important potential.
The researchers, Dr de Planque, a biochemist, and Dr Zauner, a computer scientist, will adapt brain processes to a 'wet' information processing scenario by setting up chemicals in a tube which behave like the transistors in a computer chip
"What we are developing here is a very crude, minimal liquid brain and the final computer will be 'wet' just like our brain," said Dr Zauner. "People realise now that the best information processes we have are in our heads and as we are increasingly finding that silicon has its limitations in terms of information processing, we need to explore other approaches, which is exactly what we are doing here."
The project, entitled Artificial Wet Neuronal Networks from Compartmentalised Excitable Chemical Material, which is being co-ordinated by Friedrich Schiller University Jena with other project partners, the University of the West of England, Bristol and the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, will run for three years and involves three complementary objectives.
The first is to engineer lipid-coated water droplets, inspired by biological cells, containing an excitable chemical medium and then to connect the droplets into networks in which they can communicate through chemical signals. The second objective is to design information-processing architectures based on the droplets and to demonstrate purposeful information processing in droplet architectures. The third objective is to establish and explore the potential and limitations of droplet architectures.
"Our system will copy some key features of neuronal pathways in the brain and will be capable of excitation, self-repair and self-assembly," said Dr de Planque.
Story Source:
Adapted from materials provided by
University of Southampton, via AlphaGalileo.

New multi-touch screen technology developed (with Video)


Scientists from New York University have formed a company to bring flexible multi-touch screens using a new technology to a range of devices, from e-readers to musical instruments. The new touch screens respond to all kinds of objects, as well as fingers and hands.

The team, led by Ken Perlin and Ilya Rosenberg from the Media Research Laboratory, formed their company Touchco to develop IFSR (interpolating force-sensitive resistance) technology, which uses resistors sensitive to the force or pressure applied to touch points. This, along with and positional interpolation, allows for (theoretically) unlimited simultaneous touch inputs (in contrast to other touch technologies such as the capacitive used by , which can track limited touch points). It has low power requirements and is inexpensive, since Touchco expects to sell the screen material at $10 per square foot. The technology is easily scalable for use in small or large devices.

Perlin said that the IFSR technology is likely to appear in a new range of e-readers later this year, and will also be used in laptops or notebooks, and new types of musical instruments. In computer applications the touch pads allow the user to control the with a light touch, but to select and manipulate objects when more pressure is applied.
The company has also been collaborating with Disney to develop a digital sketchbook that will use sensitive pressure sensors capable of differentiating between the touch of a hand, a pencil, brush or eraser. Drawing pictures is just one of many possible applications of the technology.

The touch pads consist of layers of FSR ink sandwiched between opaque or transparent sheets of plastic onto which conductive wires are printed. The total thickness is only 0.25 mm. When pressure is applied to an FSR sensor a current flows from the wires in one layer to the wires in the other layer, and the pressure applied is determined by the amount of electric current flowing from layer to layer. Arranging sensors in a grid would have been expensive and impractical, so Touchco developed scanners to measure the touches and determine their positions. Resolution is 254 µm (100 dpi), but this can be increased by decreasing the wire spacing.
Touchco has already begun selling developer kits to device manufacturers and expects to see IFSR technology finding many applications during 2010.

More information: Touchco:

Stanford Univesity: We're emulating the brain silicon!

Source: Stanford University/Bioengineering Department

Welcome to Brains in Silicon. Learn about the lab, get to know the brains that work here, and find out about new projects that you could join. We have crafted two complementary objectives: To use existing knowledge of brain function in designing an affordable supercomputer—one that can itself serve as a tool to investigate brain function—feeding back and contributing to a fundamental, biological understanding of how the brain works.We model brains using an approach far more efficient than software simulation: We emulate the flow of ions directly with the flow of electrons—don't worry, on the outside it looks just like software.Welcome and enjoy your time here!